Visit with Zambanini Family of Sclemo

The small town of Sclemo is the home of Bob's family. Other towns nearby are Andogno (the birthplace of his Grandmother), Tovodo, Stenico and Ponte Arche.

This was Bob's second visit to the area. Again, he stayed at the Belle Vista Hotel in Valle Banale and enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of the Litterini Family.

First stop was in Riva De Garda, on the north shore of Lake Garda, to visit Graziano Zambanini (left photo) at his hotel. Bob had found Graziano on the Internet and had corresponded via email recently. Graziano directed Bob across town to visit his brothers, Flavio and Giancarlo, at their hotel. They were most cordial and insisted that Bob have lunch at their hotel, while discussing our respective family branches. A photo at right shows Flavio on right and Giancarlo in center.

Next stop was Sclemo.

Sclemo is in the foothills of the Alps. Left photo is taken from just below Sclemo, looking to Tovodo on left, Andogno on lower right and San Lorenzo on upper right. Right photo is of the church in Sclemo.

Bob's oldest living relative in Sclemo is Antonio Zambanini, age 89. Antonio is shown on left and his wife, Mama Lina Fordori, on right.
Antonio and Mama Lina have four children and several grandchildren. Daughter Wilma is shown in left photo, Norma, in right photo.
  Son Luca is shown photo below. Luca's son is shown with his Grandfather on right.
A true highlight of the entire trip was spending a morning with Antonio under his grape arbor, and enjoying a full Italian lunch prepared by his daughter Wilma. Bob's Italian language is limited after a couple of years of study, but with the patience of his Italian family a good time was had during these four days.

Below is the Zambanini Family Memorial wall plaque in Sclemo Cemetery.

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